Monday, May 18, 2009

I hate not being in control. 
i am like a rollercoaster going up and down and down and down.
This stage of life sucks.... it's like being in limbo. nothing is certain, yet everything is certain.
money is not certain, but you certainly need to have it. Goals are not certain but you certainly need to have them, too.
I am struggling. Have you noticed?
I need a rant right now. 
I am so angry/annoyed/frustrated... but I know that I really have nothing to be angry/annoyed/frustrated with. 
I think I am my grandmother. Anxious over everything that is nothing. Depressed about depression. 
I try to be happy and portray that. But I unsuccessfully do that.
God, I need your help. You already know that. But I'm having trouble realizing that you already know that. You seem so far away. I'm trying to learn the art of conversation with you. It's really hard. I have a hard enough time with people!
Grant me more grace and more hope, God.

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